I was really sorry to hear today there'd be no more visits to see great granny. I only met her the once, when i was 4 months old, but she sang me some lovely songs and nursery rhymes while we were there.
Not the greatest of photos (very difficult lighting, apparently) but my pleasure is still very evident. "Goal!" is one of the few words in my vocabulary. You might consider other words more important to learn first but then your brother isn't Joel.
Salsa is one of my favourite things. I'm very reluctant to eat corn chips without some. In fact, i start looking around for the bowl to dip in as soon as the chips appear. Num, num, nummm
Taking Joel to school is definitely the highlight of the day. I get to stay and play for about 20 minutes before Joel and the rest of the big kids have circle time. Mom doesn't like me doing painting on my own, but other than that i pretty much have the run of the place. I'm there so often that back in January i even had my 'school' photo taken: